From Director’s Desk
As we come to the end of yet another productive year, we would like to thank all the donors; without you this would not be possible. With your support, we have built 478 toilets across 6 Indian States. (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal) In 2019, we received great support from all the Sewa Chapters and corporate initiatives, with Google sponsoring 50 toilets, Phoenix young volunteers raising funds through "Hike for Sewa" campaign, LEAD students of North Jersey raising $11,000 through car washes, Riya Dadheech, a vibrant 13 year old girl from New Jersey raising $30,000 through her paintings, was truly an amazing act of compassion and kindness. A special thanks to Google LLC, HSS Norway, and enthusiastic fund raising endeavors by Sewa Bay Area chapter Karyakarthas. Our monthly newsletters and project reports, provide the details of each project from the need analysis phase to project completion phase. Our honest, sincere and tenacious team made sure the projects are executed according to the donor's satisfaction. We encourage anyone visiting India to personally spend sometime visiting our projects. As we close 2019. we salute you for your compassion, and appreciate your continued support, as we are making huge impact in the most under served communities. Let 2020 brighten the horizon for one and all.
Mrs Jayanthi Ramanan
Sewa International Project Director
January, 2020